
Many people living in impoverished rural regions continue to live without any access to medical care, leading to high mortality of women and children under 5-years of age due to the risks associated with pregnancy, malnutrition, and early childhood illnesses. Everyone deserves access to high-quality basic health care. To make this a reality, CAUSE Canada partners with Indigenous and extremely impoverished families living in rural communities to help them access high-quality medical services.

Supporting The Health of Impoverished Communities

CAUSE Canada works with communities to prevent maternal and infant mortality by building capacity to support the health of women, their children under 5-years of age, and youth during the critical adolescent years, when many girls drop out of school to marry and become young mothers. Our nutrition and health programs equip communities with essential information, resources and training to midwives, health aides, and local health committees so they can better support the health of their communities.

Making Real Change Possible, One Gift at a Time

By giving, you’re creating healthier communities, significantly reducing maternal and infant mortality rates, and making all the difference for families in need. Your gifts create sustainable change with long-lasting impact!

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No child should be excluded from receiving a quality education. That’s why we are working to provide accessible, quality education so that all kids can go to school. CAUSE Canada’s work in child education is twofold. We focus on improving access to education, especially for girls, which you can read more about below, and we provide after-school programs designed to inspire a passion for learning and help children succeed in their classes.

Removing barriers to education in Sierra Leone

In Koinadugu, Sierra Leone, only 21% of women over 15 years of age have any level of literacy. Globally, access to education is still unavailable for too many children. While primary schools are becoming equally composed of boys and girls, completion of primary school means the end of education for a significant number of girls who marry and start families too young

Helping children reach their educational goals

CAUSE Canada provides early child development programs to children under 5 but sees the necessity of supporting children, especially girls, to complete their secondary and, where possible their post-secondary education. Our education programs help children attend school and succeed in the classroom by providing after-school programs, learning labs, library access and other educational projects.


CAUSE Canada’s Microfinance Program works with poor and marginalized women in the rural regions of Central America and West Africa. We provide small loans in combination with business training to female entrepreneurs to help grow their businesses, increase their household incomes, and provide employment for others in their community. At CAUSE Canada, equipping people to live with dignity is critical to solving the inequality that creates extreme poverty. To achieve this, it is essential to enhance economic development opportunities for people who are marginalised and vulnerable.

What does CAUSE Canada’s Microfinance Program look like?

For Indigenous women in the highlands of Western Guatemala, raising pigs, chickens and other livestock has significantly helped them improve their lives and those of their families. In Honduras, many women sell second-hand clothing often from Canada—using the resources around them to make a living.

Empowering People Through Financial Opportunities

Our Microfinance Program has made these and many more small-business ventures possible! CAUSE Canada also provides apprenticeships to adults with disabilities in Sierra Leone, helping them to find independent employment with dignity.

Development Education in Canada

In 2015, the United Nations developed 17 Sustainable Development Goals that address how we as an international development community can come together to create a better world. CAUSE Canada provides Development Education in Canada via workshops that enable Canadian students to learn about poverty in the developing world and what they can do to make a difference.